20 Realistic Resolutions for 2020

20 Realistic Resolutions for 2020

New Year’s Resolutions can be a big hit or miss. Most of us have a rotation of the same five things on the list every year revolving around some combination of weight loss, healthy eating, being on time, etc. But there’s no time like the start of a new decade to introspect and get serious about goal-setting. Here are some concrete and realistic new year’s resolutions you can actually follow through on in 2020!

1. Delete that one thing from your profile

You know that hobby or “fun fact” about you that you really only put on your profile to seem cool and because you thought it would attract the right kind of person? Yeah that one. No pretenses in 2020 – you do you!


2. Ask for what you need

We all wish that everyone could just understand what we’re feeling and be there for us in the way that we need, but that’s a lot of pressure to put on friends, family, or the person you’re dating. See if you can get more of what you need simply by asking for it.


3. Let a friend swipe for you

It’s like the dating app version of being set up by a friend! Sometimes you can get stuck in a dating rut, and someone who knows you well can bring a fresh perspective to those swipes and help you consider someone you might not have otherwise given a chance.


4. Drink more water

This one’s an evergreen resolution because water really is the answer to everything. It makes you less cranky, more energetic, and according to desi parents, can cure a myriad of diseases! Who knows, maybe water is also the answer to finding love (clearly, it might’ve worked for the cuties below).


5. Practice a month of YES

We can’t all be Shonda Rhimes and go all-in for the “Year of Yes,” but you can start small by trying it for just a month! Force yourself to say yes to adventures that you’d normally instinctually say no to, and see what pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone does for you!


6. But know when to say NO

If you’re that person who says yes to every extra task at work, every favor from a friend, and every social plan anyone ever invites you to – you’re facing the opposite problem of giving too much of yourself to others. Give yourself the gift of a few guilt-free no’s this year.


7. Maybe loosen that height filter?

S H O C K I N G news – turns out height is not the defining factor in a successful relationship! Challenge yourself to loosen all those filters on your profile for just one week, and go on ONE date with someone who falls outside of these guardrails you’ve set for yourself.


8. Prioritize self-care

You do not have to feel bad about taking time for self-care! Schedule it in the way you schedule all of your important meetings, dates, and social obligations, and commit to yourself the same way you commit to others.


9. Revisit one of your favorite childhood hobbies

So many of the things that we enjoyed doing as kids tend to fall to the wayside as we get older and college apps, real-world jobs, and #adulting get in the way. Pick up one of your fave old activities and turn it in your new adult hobby.


10. Venture outside of your “type”

If you’ve dated 5 of the same “type” in a row and run into a similar set of roadblocks, maybe it’s time to reflect on if that “type” is really doing you any service?


11. Treat your friendships like your relationships

Too many of us make the mistake of disappearing into a new relationship and ignoring friends. Every relationship in your life needs to be nurtured, so take the time to show your friends some love in 2020.


12. Read more

Watch one less Friends episode a week and pick up a book. It makes you a more interesting person and opens your mind to new ways of thinking! Plus a fun bonus is that it makes for great date chatter 🙂


13. Go on a hobby date

A casual drink with a new dating prospect is always a safe move, but say you make it to date two or three. Instead of just going out for dinner or drinks yet another time, take someone with you for a shared experience and show them something you love.


14. Be more sustainable

You don’t have to change your entire lifestyle to work towards a more sustainable future. Pick one thing you can follow through on and stick to – use metal straws, make sure you compost in your house, take shorter showers, or reduce your indulgence in fast fashion. You can’t have a happily ever after if the world ends before you find your soulmate 😉


15. Take a social media break

Sometimes it feels like the whole year has turned into engagement season and wedding season, or like everyone is living their dream life with their dream job traveling all over the world. Take a social media break every once in a while to cut out the noise and allow yourself to think about what you actually want instead of what you think you should be doing.


16. Actually plan to do nothing on a Friday night

Or whatever your version of a good wholesome escape is. It will let your mind rest and remind you that you are more important than your possible FOMO. Treat yourself to a relaxing night in, even if it’s by yourself.


17. Ask someone out first

We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve been stuck in a weeks long texting conversation – everything seems to be going great but there’s no date in sight. Next time you’re in that situation, make the first move!


18. Quality over quantity

Dating app fatigue is real – save yourself by slowing the roll on the swipes. You’re less likely to get sick of and delete your dating app every other month if you focus on talking to a few quality folks at a time.


19. Fix your sleep hygiene – put that phone away

We’re often focused on how many hours of sleep we’re getting rather than the quality of sleep we’re getting. Force yourself to put that phone and laptop away even just ONE hour before bed. Being well rested will allow you to put the best version of yourself out into the world!


20. Break a (dating) rule

Actually, just take the whole damn rule book and tear it to pieces. Text whenever you want, schedule a second date whenever you want, and just follow your gut instincts! #NoRules2020


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