How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day if You’re Single

How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day if You’re Single

You really only have two options when it comes to spending Valentine’s Day as a single person: you can plan a fun anti-valentine’s day activity and celebrate your independence, or you can wallow in your singledom. This is the part where you’re probably expecting us to say: don’t wallow, go out there and make the most of it, f*ck relationships, love yourself! But we’re not judging. If you want to be sad about being single on Valentine’s Day, that’s totally okay too! You’ll be forced to consume all the commercial garbage that surrounds the holiday all day, and you’ll probably also be surrounded by a bunch of sappy people talking about their special plans with their significant other.

All of that makes it pretty damn hard to just push it out of your mind and be a superhuman beacon of positivity all day. All we ask is, no matter how you choose to spend the day, allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling in the moment, but then take control of your day! Here are a few ways you can spend the day, no matter which option you choose:

Option A – Celebrate yourself and the other amazing relationships in your life

  • Plan a fun date night with a fellow single BFF – get each other small surprise gifts, eat a fancy meal, or go watch a classic rom-com
  • Buy yourself something extravagant – you don’t need a man to treat yourself!
  • Self-care is the best care – face masks, a box of chocolates, and pizza for one (no compromising on your fave toppings!) is the ultimate celebration

Option B – Let yourself feel the melancholy of being single on this love-infested day, but do something about it!

  • Eat your feelings and watch your fave sappy romantic comedy
  • Let yourself read those old letters/emails/texts from an ex and reminisce on good times (but don’t forget that there was a good reason that relationship ended – no going back!)
  • Get on Dil Mil and swipe a little – the dating universe can only give back what you put into it! Invest in your happiness by putting in time to find a good partner, just like you put in the time to exercise, study, and work! Plus, our data shows that people are extra active on dating apps on Valentine’s Day, so the odds are in your favor 😉

There is no one way or right way to spend Valentine’s Day, but unfortunately it’s not going anywhere. You can’t wish it away, but you can control how you spend the day. Allow yourself to lean into whatever you’re feeling, but always remember that 1) you are perfect just the way you are, and 2) things will work out when they’re meant to, and there’s no perfect timing for anything.

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