He Came For One Week & Ended Up Staying Forever!

He Came For One Week & Ended Up Staying Forever!

Kishan was searching for his dream Gujarati girl, and he discovered that Dil Mil was likely his best bet! Jasmine, having tried a variety of dating apps, downloaded Dil Mil seeking a unique experience. At that time, Jasmine was in Delaware, and Kishan was in Philadelphia. When they matched, the connection was immediate, and they talked for two weeks prior to arranging their first meeting.

Jasmine and Kishan’s initial encounter took place in a Philadelphia parking garage. Jasmine, who had just wrapped up her workday, was dressed in a blazer and heels – power dressing max. Kishan was already quite anxious to meet her, so imagine him seeing her in that outfit haha. The duo walked to an Asian restaurant for dinner for their first date which turned out to be so enjoyable that they decided to extend the evening with some bar hopping. Not long after their first date, the pandemic struck and Kishan began working remotely. Originally planning to stay with Jasmine for just a week, he only packed a duffel bag and his work monitor… however, their connection was so strong and things were going so well that Kishan never left. In fact, he ended up moving in and has been living with Jasmine ever since!

For Jasmine and Kishan, their year living together during the pandemic had condensed multiple years of dating and learning about each other into one. They really got to know one another – learnt about each other’s quirks, preferences, life history and so much more. Despite the craziness of the pandemic, they loved spending time with each other – for them, it didn’t matter what they did, they found joy in each other’s company. To them, it felt as if they’d been sharing their lives forever.

One day, Kishan told Jasmine that they were invited to a fancy bridal dinner for one of relatives. The day included a plan to get ready at the Bellevue Hotel in Philadelphia. The couple planned to meet with Kishan’s cousins at the rooftop of the hotel but when they stepped out of the elevator to head to the rooftop area, and saw that it was completely empty, at that moment Jasmine just knew..

They walked around and were taking in the view from the balcony when he knelt down and proposed. Overwhelmed by the surprise, Jasmine and Kishan pretty much blacked out for the rest of it so neither of them actually remembers what the other said! Thankfully, Kishan did arrange a photographer to document the whole shebang, so atleast they have cute photos to look back on lol. Shortly after, Jasmine’s sister surprised her, and whisked them away to Assembly, the rooftop bar the couple visited together on their first date. There, they were greeted by friends and family, who had arranged a surprise engagement party for them. The joy of celebrating with loved ones, especially after the isolation of the pandemic, made the occasion even more memorable.

For Kishan and Jasmine, family is super important. They wanted a partner who could connect and communicate with their grandparents (they only spoke Gujarati), and respected the cultural customs and traditions. Navigating hybrid identities as Americans and Indians was also a tricky balance that Kishan and Jasmine found themselves constantly working through – having a partner who understood that was very crucial to them.

Kishan and Jasmine got engaged a year and a half into living with each other. In addition to planning their dream wedding, they also launched into an exciting house search. They spent 5 months looking for the perfect home, and finally sealed the deal just 2 weeks before their wedding on October 1, 2022. After the wedding, they officially moved into their new house and visited Maldives for their honeymoon. Here’s to them; started on a dating app and ended up becoming permanent roommates!

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