Your 2023 Horoscopes are Officially Here!

Your 2023 Horoscopes are Officially Here!

Happy New Year, Dil Mil fam! 2022 is behind us. Does not matter if you start your resolutions and goals throughout the year, or on New Year’s Day, undoubtedly, restarting the calendar year cycle has a beautiful association with starting new. This is your time to really reflect on how to live your best, most gorgeous life. This includes various different kinds of pledges on getting your shit together (and possibly, finally getting onto Dil Mil and finding the person of your dreams?)

Movie gif. In his trademark winter gear, Macaulay Culkin as Kevin  from Home Alone enters the room and scrunches his face to speak to us as a gruff alternate persona. He smiles, raises his eyebrows, and quickly exits. Text, "Happy New Year."

Regardless of how your resolutions and goals look, the stars are aligned with you. What does 2023 have in store for you? Read on below.


This year is going to be as fiery and bold as you, Aries! Expect major transformations in all aspects of your inner and outer life. This year, you’ll be transforming the ways you think and perceive in this world – starting in mid-January, your romantic urges and drive skyrockets, creating a fiery, passionate path that sets all aspects of your personality that indulges in petty arguments ablaze. No more! Take advantage of the first half of the year for romantic prospects – you’ll be more open, more willing and more capable of entering solid partnerships until the summer. You’ll find yourself redefining what independence means to you mid-year. Expect another hot girl summer for the books, but with a twist – this time, you’re redefining your own inner frameworks – you’ll be more comfortable in your own skin. You’ll end the year just as you started it – inclined to be in a more romantic mood, and likely to encounter the most passionate encounters of your life. Phew, talk about a year full of fire and passion!

In Love Kiss GIF by The Bachelorette


It’s been a rough few years for you, dear Taurus. But here’s some good news: 2023 is YOUR year! Expect success in all angles – money, love, abundance, all the tings desi parents measure as means of success are yours this year, so expect all the Aunties to keep tabs and spread the news of your best life via their phone networks. This is your year to finally step into taking risks – so start that dream Instagram influencer account, and start writing down ideal traits you’re looking for in a partner to manifest. You’ll find it easier to drop your guard this year, and this summer is all about summer romances for you. You’ll finally have relationships that are reflective of how fabulous you are – communication will flow, and action will be bountiful!

Television Love GIF by HULU


We know these past few years have been like getting hit by a bus repeatedly, dear Gemini. We’re here to tell you to keep pushing forward because 2023 brings massive successes. Lucky for you, you’ll be ready for action, hitting the ground running in January. The fruits of your labour will finally be physically apparent for you this year. 2023 brings a lot of attention your way – whether it’s through recognition for your work or contributions to your loved ones’ lives, or an influx of Instagram followers (if that’s your vibe). The reward won’t come without work though, so keep pushing forward. 

The famous Kuch Kuch Hota Hai quote, “pyaar dosti hai” rings true for you this year. Although the stars say you won’t be romantically involved or inclined much, you may run into toxic lovers if you’re not paying attention – so be sure to follow every 90s SRK movie plot, and when you find someone special, focus on building a solid foundation with them first. 

#dosti GIF - Srk Dosti Yaar GIFs


This year is all about creating structure in your life. Only through building a solid routine and foundation will you find successes in relationships this year, Cancer. So, focus on building something that structurally works for you! This doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to live #thatsinglelife. If you’re looking to get booed up, it can and will happen! In fact, this summer is a flirty one for you – you’ll find yourself in endless opportunities for romantic encounters (so be sure to be on the lookout for them prying aunties). Either way, your relationships will be transforming massively this year, so be sure to keep yourself grounded and rooted in reality as you navigate these massive shifts in your life – remember, it’s all happening for the better!

Its Happening Laura Dern GIF by The Academy Awards


2023 is your year of commitment. Whether you’re the quintessential bachelor or bachelorette who is notorious for being allergic to any form of settling, in 2023, you’ll find yourself drawn more and more to commitment (talk about the turn tables turning!) This entire year, you’ll be focussing heavily on your love life. The key here is to let go of many of your preconceived notions about love. Whether a toxic idea or two have stuck with you from watching those around you, or if you have expectations that just aren’t rooted in reality, you’ll find yourself being continually challenged if you don’t learn to let go and go with the flow. Allow for love to enter your life, and accept your significant other for who they are – and watch the stars, and heart eye emojis align! 

let me love you GIF


You ended 2022 with some deep introspection, dear Virgo. And the theme continues for 2023. You’re essentially going to be cleaning out all of the trash in your life – what doesn’t work, who doesn’t work, mentalities and stuck emotions that have gotten the better of you these past few years. Say no to all of the ex lovers who will emerge this year and push forward – if you’re open, you can find something new and beautiful entering your life. Spend time thinking about what makes YOU feel good, loved and happy in relationships. Say goodbye to people pleasing antics as well – no more giving random rides to random relatives, and smiling and waving at old friends who hurt you in the past. This year, despite the internal restructuring, you’re called to let go of the worry, cutie. You’re doing great and you deserve to feel good about yourself.

let it go GIF


2022 was a great year for you, Libra. This year, you’ll be finetuning yourself as much as SRK fine tuned his mandolins and violins in the 90s. Expect this year to challenge your ego and selfish side – the theme that constantly reemerges will be about how you can start to consider other people (their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and how you affect them) beyond yourself. Ever the flirt, you don’t find it hard to attract many lovers. But, the downside to this is that your relationships have been notoriously difficult and superficial in the past. If you’re discontent, you’ll find yourself starting to think about what you genuinely need in order to feel loved. Start assessing your close relationships and how you can repair them so you’re not taking centre-stage anymore – believe it or not, it’s not all about you, and it’s time to realise this and act upon it. Doing so will help you with your partnerships.


If you have that one relationship that is hot and cold, inconsistent, and might be your sneaky link – this is the year you’re going to have to let it go. You’ve spent a lot of time in frivolous flirting these past few years. But, now, your soul is seeking something with substance – true to your intense, mysterious nature, dear Scorpio. You may not know what you want, but this year, you’re going to figure it out with ease. So, whether you take time for yourself, or are open to romantic encounters, expect them to be serious, and expect yourself to let go of your guard and of playing games when it comes to love and romance. 


New Years bring brand new slates – but not for you, Sagittarius. This year, you’ll be massively reflecting on your past. This includes people who are close to you and the history you’ve shared, past encounters and experiences, and past versions of yourself. Expect this year to be all about deep introspection. The first half of the year is a great time for you to learn more about yourself – who you used to be and how it has affected who you are in the present. By doing so, you’ll be ready for a summer full of amazing opportunities for romance. Just be sure to use your newfound knowledge of yourself as you pursue these romantic interests – learning to protect yourself, boundaries and discernment are huge in allowing you to be successful in your romantic pursuits.

Interested Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


You’ll be inclined to indulge in typical Capricorn behaviour of closing yourself off from the entire world at the beginning of the year, dear Capricorn. Our advice? DON’T DO IT. Not only are you blocking your blessings from the Universe, but you’ll also be blocking major chances to genuinely get to know others on a deeper level by doing so. Sure, mopey Ranbir Kapoor movies are aesthetically pleasing, but it really does suck to close yourself off and ultimately be and feel alone, Capricorn. Pushing yourself to open up, to trust others will allow for all of the blossoming romantic opportunities coming your way in the Spring to flourish. Balance your romantic pursuits with self-development and trust your intuition. You’ll find the right person when you become the right person for yourself. 

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You’re bringing the smoke in all aspects of your life this year, Aquarius. You’ll be unstoppable in achieving your goals and your wildest dreams. Just be careful not to be so ruthless that you hurt others along the way. This year is all about letting go for you – releasing relationships, mentalities, situationships that no longer work for you. You’ll find your inner rebel struggling if you don’t come to terms with this. Keep your integrity no matter what happens. You’ll eventually find that releasing what you needed to, and letting go of things that no longer work for you are an integral part of life, and create space for all of your dreams to come true. 

Season 6 Mask GIF by The Masked Singer


Pisces! No matter what anyone says, this is truly your year. If you’ve felt lost these past few years, or as if you lost touch with yourself, this is the year to reinvent who you are and finally feel comfortable with who you are. The key takeaway of this year is learning to express yourself (yes, all of yourself – all of those Piscean emotions, thoughts and any stuck and stagnant energy) in a way that is healthy for you. The beginning of the year is full of harmony for you, creating situations that will allow you to learn to be more confident. So, be sure to put yourself out there romantically once Pisces season hits (if you haven’t before then!) Stay self-aware and keep strong boundaries – watch how you thrive!

Thriving Whats Up GIF by Peloton

Good luck this month and we’ll see you in February, Dil Milers!

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